Haunted Romsey

The town of Romsey is considered to be one of the most haunted in the UK and it’s a common attraction for people who like to investigate the paranormal. In recent years tourism has also developed around the paranormal and a lot of people flock to Romsey in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the town’s most common haunting spots and with any luck seeing the ghosts themselves. Some people would say that it’s strange that people will actively seek haunted places, since the very definition of “haunting” is something that’s meant to be scary and, overall, a negative thing, but the truth is people are interested in these sorts of things. It may be because times are changing, it may be because of movies and television shows that feature paranormal investigators or simply because of people’s natural curiosity for the unknown, but the truth is there is a large amount of people actively seeking haunted places. And Romsey, because of its history, is one of the most sought after.

It’s not that the hauntings and ghosts in Romsey are especially important historically, you won’t find reports of kings or famous people haunting the place. But the fact that so many people have witnessed them throughout the years makes them incredibly attractive. One of the best known haunting places in Romsey is the Old Swan Inn, which has now been converted into a Conservative Club, right in the main square. The story goes that two soldiers were hung from an iron sign outside the house. One of them died and the other managed to cut loose but died shortly after in a nearby alley. People claim to have seen this repeat itself, complete with one of the ghosts cutting lose and running away, disappearing shortly after.

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