Fly fishing on the Test

Fishing is possibly the most relaxed sport that anyone can perform. The act of being by yourself in a quiet body of water waiting for the fish to bite is practically a zen exercise on its own, something that can help you clear your mind and let go of the troubles of a stressful, complicated and fast paced work life. And for those who like a little more activity than just sitting around waiting for the fish to bite, there is fly fishing. Fly fishing is an art on its own, and many people that do it have been taught by their parents or other older family members and have been doing it from a young age. But don’t let that discourage you if you’re still a beginner or are only thinking about starting to do it now, because it’s something that you will pick up the basics of very quickly, and perfecting the art of fly fishing only comes along with time and practice. And, in essence, fishing is something that you only do when you have plenty of time, so you should have all you need to become a good fly fisher.

One of the best places out there to do some fly fishing is the river Test, and what better place to experience this river than the town of Romsey, often called the Test’s Southern Gates. Here you can not only enjoy your fishing in peace, you’ll also get to experience an amazing town that’s been around for centuries. The locals are known to be friendly and will help you find good fishing grounds. With their help and a little luck, you and whoever you bring along for your fishing trip will definitely have some fun.

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