The Romsey Show

Romsey is a simply amazing town on the south of England. There is a lot that the town has to offer, but in our opinion two events in the town’s social calendar stand out: the Mayor’s Picnic and the Romsey Show. The Mayor’s Picnic is very much a family event in Romsey that gathers the townsfolk, but is, of course, open to people from outside. The most fun and possible the most uncommon part of the Mayor’s Picnic is the Duck Race. As you possibly know, the river Test is a great part of Romsey’s life, and it?s included in the Picnic as toy ducks are released into the river in a “race” of sorts. Naturally the ducks themselves won’t win anything, but the person who manages to choose the winning duck does win a prize. But, of course, watching the ducks is the most fun part of it.

The Romsey Show is a completely different kind of event, and one that’s very interesting for everyone visiting that part of the country. In fact, many people travel there just for the show, which shows you how interesting it is. It is described as an agricultural show, but it’s a lot more than that. We think of an agricultural show as a display of livestock and possibly a few stands showcasing produce and its derivates, but this one has a lot more things, including falconry displays, hunting dog skill showcases and even very unique events such as the family dog parade and “best donkey” contests, which are sure to amuse anyone present. Naturally the fair wouldn’t be complete without the showcase of British livestock and the hundreds of stands where you can buy anything, from produce and agricultural supplies to machinery and even outdoor recreation stuff, like quad bikes and the like.

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